Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied

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  5. Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied Puzzelwoordenboek

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This kind of literature is what onecould call donationware.Financiallywedependondonationstosupportour work. Spiritualinformation like this is not to be sold and commercialized. The type ofcopyright for this book is called Creative Commons (type CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). This isthe copyright to share cultural and spiritual knowledge about ourcommon cultural inheritance, so as to offer free access for everyone.It belongs to your birthright as a human being. It applies e.g. to Wikipedia information and to classical sacred textslike the Bhāgavata Purāṇa,the book we offer here. Also all literature derived from thiscopyright resorts under a likewise arrangement. What one actuallyshould pay is attention. That is the payment that is absolutelyrequired. Bhakti means devotional service free from ulterior motives.
But the fact isthat if we do not receive donations for our work, we have to apply forother support. Not wishing to depend on government support we wouldhave to go begging. Begging and vagrancy are allowed spiritually, butare actually forbidden in many cultures of this world we are part of.That makes legal dependency inevitable without your support. This typeof legally arranged dependency out of need is unfavorable because thegovernment makes demands for providing what one also calls the dole orcharity, for as long as basicincomes based upon equal civil and human rights have not beenachieved. Till then they in principle can force one to do menial(slave) labor, strange to one's nature, leaving little or no time andenergy left to do this type of voluntary labor. They claim your lifeand drag you into all kinds of impure spheres if they want to and thatis exactly the opposite of what we strive for in self-realization. Oneof the demands formally made in exchange for the dole is that one doesone's best to acquire money by means of delivering some type of paidservice. In this case of spiritual service one should not be motivatedfor the 'fruits of labor' though, the money it might bring, for thatsimply builds up karma - profit-minded labor - that creates ahindrance. The spiritual purpose is to diminish karma and increasedharma - e.g. voluntary labor. Because of karmic 'I' and 'mine' claimson everything material, the people on this planet have less access tothe services and goods available and are subdued to dishonorablematerial demands, so that finding liberation in 'unmotivated'devotional service becomes impossible.

Hence we here urge you to consider this before you download thismaterial. Think of first making a (regular) donation in exchange forthe regular (or incidental) use of our services here and at But indeed, if you think our servicedoes not deserve such a compensation from your side, then leave us tothe caprices of the government. Our association will thus be lessenlightened and spiritually positive, to which I then would have to saythat we failed to properly serve the cause and the devotees. But as yetthis is not the case, we are keeping up our services here for more than16 years now, stable under the protection of His divine grace. I hopeall of you may join in and enduringly support and enjoy this freedomand service all together so that we may have a better world.


We as devotees all togetherhave to take responsibility
for the independence of our devotional activities and thus constitute alead,
a beacon of enlightenment and liberation, in the global community.

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Running English
(Anand Aadhar Prabhu)


Canto 1 text: (272 Kb)
Canto 2 text: (204 Kb)
Canto 3a text: (340 Kb)
Canto 3b text: (272 Kb)
Canto 4a text: (276 Kb)
Canto 4b text: (176 Kb )
Canto 5 text: (284 Kb )
Canto 6 text: (232 Kb )
Canto 7 text: (224 Kb)
Canto 8 text: (256 Kb)
Canto 9 text: (260 Kb)
Canto 10-1 text: (292 Kb)
Canto 10-2 text: (232 Kb)
Canto 10-3 text: (284 Kb)
Canto 10-4 text: (284 Kb)
Canto 11 text: (420 Kb)
Canto 12 text: (172 Kb)

Canto 1 tekst: (340 Kb)
Canto 2 tekst: (272 Kb)
Canto 3a tekst: (340 Kb)
Canto 3b tekst: (272 Kb)
Canto 4a tekst: (240 Kb)
Canto 4b tekst: (196 Kb)
Canto 5 tekst: (296 Kb)
Canto 6 tekst: (260 Kb)
Canto 7 tekst: (248 Kb)
Canto 8 tekst: (280 Kb)
Canto 9 tekst: (284 Kb)
Canto 10-1 tekst: (328 Kb)
Canto 10-2 text: (252 Kb)
Canto 10-3 text: (316 Kb)
Canto 10-4 text: (316 Kb)
Canto 11 text: (468 Kb)
Canto 12 text: (188 Kb)

  • S'rîmadBhâgavatam Canto 1-12.Ned compleet.html (3.5 MB; nieuweaaneengeschakelde Anand Aadhar versie, met voetnoten, excl. links,excl. Sanskriet)
  • S'rîmadBhâgavatam Canto 1-12. Eng. complete.html (3.5 MB; new concatenatedAnand Aadhar version, with footnotes, excl. links, excl. Sanskrit)

PDF E-BOOK VERSION (third revised edition only; check for updatesregularly)

(Anand Aadhar Prabhu)


Canto 1 pdf: (1.7 MB)
Canto2pdf:(1.6 MB)
Canto 3apdf: (2 MB)
Canto3bpdf:(1.6 MB)
Canto4apdf: (2.2 MB)
Canto4bpdf:(1.5 MB)
Canto5pdf:(5.4 MB)
Canto6pdf:(4.4 Mb)
Canto7pdf: (4.9 Mb)
Canto8pdf:(7.7 Mb)
Canto9pdf:(4.9 Mb)
Canto 10pdf: (39 Mb)
Canto 11pdf: (12.7 Mb)
Canto12pdf: (6.0 Mb)

Online - 2.pdf
Online- 5.pdf
Online- 6.pdf
Online- 7.pdf
Online- 8.pdf
Online- 9.pdf

Online- 10.pdf
Online- 11.pdf

Canto 1pdf:(1.7 MB)
Canto 2pdf: (1.6MB)
Canto 3apdf:: (2.1 MB)
Canto 3b pdf:(1.4 MB)
Canto 4apdf:(2.3 MB)
Canto 4bpdf:(1.4 MB)
Canto 5pdf:(5.3 Mb)
Canto 6pdf:(4.5Mb)
Canto 7pdf:(4.9 Mb)
Canto 8pdf: (8.6Mb)
Canto 9pdf:(4.9 Mb)
Canto 10pdf:(38.7 Mb)
Canto 11pdf: (13 Mb)
Canto 12pdf:(6.0 Mb)
Online - 2.pdf
Online- 5.pdf
Online- 6.pdf
Online- 7.pdf
Online- 8.pdf
Online- 9.pdf
Online- 11.pdf
Online- 12.pdf

EPUB VERSION (regularly updated)

  • Epub completeBhâgavatam (English).
  • Epub volledigeBhâgavatam (Nederlands).
  • Bhâgavatamin Sanskrit(Canto by Canto).

UddhavaGîtâ (Canto 11: chapter 6-29):

  • Nederlandse versie inpdf e-boek formaat met woordenlijst (online UddhavaGîtâ.pdf).
  • English Version in pdf e-book formatincluding glossary (online UddhavaGîtâ.pdf).
  • Nederlandseversie in epub e-boek formaat met woordenlijst.
  • English Version in epub e-bookformatincluding glossary.
Summum Bonum (Canto 10):
  • English version inpdf e-book format (no index or glossary) (online SummumBonum.pdf).
  • Nederlandse Versie in pdf e-boekformaat (geen index of woordenlijst) (online SummumBonum-ned.pdf)

MP3download page of theBhâgavatam readings by Anand Aadhar (third edition)

  • Audio download page canto1-12 English (updated)
  • Audio download pagina canto 1-12Nederlands (updated)

MP3 download pages for the 74bhajans, the 74 instrumental music mp3's, and the score files(Midi).

  • Audio download page HQ Bhajans (first get a password / Haal eerst een wachtwoord)
  • Audio download page HQ Bhajans -instrumental.
  • Audio download page bhajan score files(Midi) / All midifiles in onezip-file.
  • Audio download page LQbhajans - Real Audio


  • Sanskrit,I-trans: S'rimad Bhagavata Purana (1.7 Mb)
Instrumentaal slot van een lied voor


  • Sanskrit, Devanagari: s'rîmadbhâgavatapurânam (2.6 Mb)

Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied Het


  • Sanskrit, Devanagari
  • Bhâgavatam inSanskrit(local file, 2.2 Mb)
  • Fonts (download in zip):
    • xdvng.hqx Devanagari XDVNG (Mac)
    • xdvng.pfb Devanagari XDVNG(Unix/Linux)
    • xdvng.ttf Devanagari XDVNG(Win)


  • Sanskrit,roman-format: Bhagavata Purâna

Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied Meer

(Therunning version):

  • Bhagavad Gîtâof Order(English).
  • Bhagavad Gîtâvan Orde(Dutch).
  • A Song of Fortune - A ClassicalGîtâ (English) - epub
  • Een Lied van Geluk - EenKlassieke Gîtâ (Nederlands) - epub

Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied Een


- Een Lied vanGeluk -Een Moderne Gîtâ & Een Lied van Geluk - Een KlassiekeGîtâ
- A Song of Fortune - AModern Gîtâ
& ASongofFortune-AClassicalGîtâ

(Anand Aadhar Prabhu)


A Song ofFortune - A Classical Gîtâ -
pdf (1 MB)-
Including The Yoga-sûtras of Patañjali
Online -pdfEenLiedvanGeluk-
EenKlassieke Gîtâ - pdf (7.5 MB)
Online -pdf
ASong of Fortune - A Modern Gîtâ -
pdf (3.2 MB)
- Including The Yoga-sûtras of Patañjali
Een ModerneGîtâ - pdf (3.5 MB)
Online -pdf

Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied Voor

Commentaries, articles& other files:

Instrumentaal Slot Van Een Lied Puzzelwoordenboek

  • Krishna en de ZingendeFilosoof(Dutch commentary).
  • Krishna en de ZingendeFilosoof: songboek. (172 kb, met vertalingen en akkoorden).
  • Monier Williams Dictionary (PC zipfile 20.18 Mb)
  • Up to-date VaishnavaSongbook(HTML-file, with running translations and chords).
  • The Bhagavad Gîtâ in RealAudio (English Nederlands).
  • MP3's of the week: every cakra-week two songs of theâcârya's .
  • Sanskrit Dictionary: basic reference listenriched with terms from the Monier-Williams dictionary.
  • Time Quotes Bhâgavatam: all quotes on thesubject of Time put together.
  • Tijd Citaten Bhâgavatam: alle citaten over hetonderwerp van de Tijd bij elkaar.
  • Lexicon Namen, Kernbegrippen en Sanskrietwoorden in pdf (zip-file).
  • Lexicon Names, Essential terms andSanskrit words in pdf (zip-file).
  • All Bhajans sung in mp3 (get a password first)
  • All Bhajans - instrumentalmusic only, in MP3.

All textdownloads are offeredas free downloads under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported© copyright restriction that one attributes the work bycreating a link to this site and mentioning thename of Anand Aadhar, that adaptions, uploading and printing is allowedfor non-commercial use and that distributing the resultant work canonly be done under the same or a similar license. In case of doubt askfor the permission of