Ilya Dyment Poker

In the space of two hands, Kyle Miaso was eliminated from the tournament.

Ilya Dyment Poker Games


Ilya Dyment raised from the cutoff, and Abe Mosseri called in the big blind. The flop came, and Mosseri bet. Dyment moved all in for 70,000, and Mosseri called. Mosseri: Dyment: All was square on the flop, with both players having two pair with an ace kicker. However, the turn produced the, sending Mosseri into the lead with a higher two pair. Ilya Dyment played 14 hours of poker to make it to Day 3 of the WPO Event 1. Now that he has made it this far, Dyment is ready to take down his second BPO tr. Abe Mosseri raised under the gun, Dan Shak called in early position and Ilya Dyment called on the button. Mike Matusow came along in the big blind, making it four ways to the flop. On the flop, Matusow bet out, Mosseri called, Shak called, and Dyment raised. Matusow called, Mosseri called, and Shak called.

He first raised from middle position and was faced with a reraise from Ray Dehkharghani in the small blind. Miaso then three-bet before Dehkharghani moved all in for an additional 4,000. Miaso called.


The board ran out , giving Dehkharghani the winning hand with a straight and leaving Miaso with 10,000 chips.

In the final hand, Miaso went all in from under the gun and was called by Dan Shak in the cutoff as well as Ilya Dyment and Owais Ahmed in the blinds.

Ilya Dyment Poker Expert

All three live players then checked the flop as well as the turn before the completed the board. There, Dyment bet, forcing a fold from the other two players.

Dyment tabled and took down the pot with trip queens after Miaso flipped over his .

Miaso finished in 22nd place, receiving $14,809 for his efforts.

Abe Mosseri raised under the gun, Dan Shak called in early position and Ilya Dyment called on the button. Mike Matusow came along in the big blind, making it four ways to the flop.


On the flop, Matusow bet out, Mosseri called, Shak called, and Dyment raised. Matusow called, Mosseri called, and Shak called.

It was still four ways to the flop and it checked to Dyment, who elected to bet. Matusow called, Mosseri folded, and Shak called.

Matusow checked dark and the river was the . Shak checked, Dyment bet again, and Matusow let out a string of expletives before folding his hand.

Ilya Dyment Poker Club

Shak called and Dyment announced 'Straight flush.' He showed and took down the massive pot.